Saturday 20 August 2016

A poem: Coping


Seven years ago this month,
I remember it clear as day,
The delayed train and taxi ride,
All to lay down by your side.

We lied to our friends,
We lied to the world,
I lied to my mother,
We lied to eachother.

And since that day,
Forever became never,
I won't get to see your face again.

Your champagne sparkling eyes,
Twinkling in the daylight,
I'll never see them again.

Our vacation to the south-west,
The clearest memory I have,
Stumbling home from the bars,
And dancing under the stars.

When I got into uni,
It made you and I closer,
There was less time to miss you,
Making the cracks see-through.

And since that day,
Forever became never,
I won't get to see your face again.

Your champagne sparkling eyes,
Twinkling in the daylight,
I'll never see them again.

You didn't have the guts to tell me,
To look into my heart,
Just like that you left,
My scarlet girl had gone,
And the years of promise,
Had turned to wreckage.

But I guess I'm coping.
I guess I'm coping.

Sunday 16 February 2014

A poem: False Hope

First poem of 2014, not something to proud of mind. I only really write now as an outlet. Thanks for reading anyway.

False Hope

When hopes lay on the floor like leaves under foot,
Crushed against the pavement,
Embedded on the underside of boots,
What is there left to contemplate?

Failure staring you in the face,
Where a train running full speed towards you,
Through the dense fog of feelings,
Is more comforting than your bed.

That’s the crossroads I’ve reached,
Left or right to let go,
Or onwards to more false hope?
I wish I was stronger.

Thursday 28 November 2013

A poem: Winter Longing

It has been just over two months since I last published anything on here, and for that I apologise! I just haven't really been in the right frame of mind to concentrate any thoughts into writing. During winter though, I feel like I have more time to condense these thoughts into work so that's how this one came about :)

Winter Longing:

We went from fact to fiction,
In the blink of an eye,
Did I ever exist?
Not on your timeline.

The days are getting darker,
An evil chill in the air,
Wicked winds attack,
My soul lost to the night.

Death invading my dreams,
Nightmares feeling real,
I’m a hollow shell,
Of a man once content.

Everyone needs to feel loved,
Especially in the winter,
When it’s too cold to hold hands,
I’ll be your glove.

Shooting stars fill the sky,
I wished on them all,
But once they disappear,
We know it’s all a lie.

But a glimmer of hope,
It provides for that moment,
Where light shines through,
Cutting the dark to shreds.

Each night I fall asleep,
Longing for someone beside me,
To wipe my slate clean,
And wake up next to.

Make my scars feel pure,
And I’ll do you no wrong,
A beautiful girl to love,
That is what I long for.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

A poem: The Next Chapter

Not really felt like writing poetry recently to be honest as things are pretty much on the up, but this just came out! :) More of a positive, looking ahead one

The Next Chapter
The path weaves its way through the forest,
Rays of early morning sunlight shimmering,
Off the leaves and the dew from the grass.

The lake shallow, calm and clear,
Fluffy clouds reflecting in the water,
A soft breeze tickling the treetops.

My trail continues on twisting,
Not stopping for darkness or daylight,
Of a past or future unforetold.

If the next steps are as good,
As some of the last have been,
Then I’ll stand prouder and surer in my shoes.

In the back of my mind surrounded by bunting and fairy lights,
A space is cornered off for you to never be forgotten,
Good things should never be forgotten.

But that time is done and my story goes on,
A new face waiting behind each corner,
Anticipating my arrival.

I’ve got my hollow head up and heart searching,
Looking forward, no longer behind,
Scanning the horizon for the next chapter.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

A poem: Wrecked Soul

Hello! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Just haven't been really in the mood to write poetry, but thought I'd better do something!

This is Wrecked Soul, just a short one I wrote recently, hope you like it :)

Wrecked Soul

You were a stream that flooded my fields,
A tsunami devastating all in its way,
Drowning all I had.

The starlings of my summer flew away,
Vultures stomaching the remains,
Of a dream I had.

Butterflies left me for a safer place,
Wolves setting up camp in my emptiness,
Pouncing on what I had.

Oaks were uprooted and pines misplaced,
Stumps’ remnants cluttered my conscience,
Covering the clarity I had.

A person to return all my lost gifts,
With care enough to help me,
To repair what I have.

That’s all I need.

Wednesday 31 July 2013

A poem: Saturn

Pretty self-explanatory really! Enjoy!


I’m thinking of escaping Earth,
I’ve set my sights on Saturn,
The rings encompassing a land,
Where somebody might love me.

My flaws unrealised and unimportant,
The only criteria a kind heart,
One which gives its all,
For his darling’s happiness.

Our world is a fickle place,
Where being thin is a problem,
And being fat is a repellent,
I just want to attract someone.

When a person says to me,
“It’s what’s on the inside that counts”,
I call them a liar,
After they’ve walked away.

So this a call to the mediocre men,
And for the wearisome women,
There’s hope for us yet,
Let’s move to Saturn.

Sunday 28 July 2013

A poem: Philophobia

Just a short one! :)


She loves her pearls and dresses to please,
Aged and youthful boys falling head over heels,
Her evening gown blood red,
From the hearts of hungry men,
Testing her resistance to love,
When in reality she’s scared to break someone,
Knowing if her words pierced a soul,
She’d never be exculpated,
Spending sparkling summer nights longing,
The arrival of her Romeo,
To save her from the darkness,
She’s being swallowed into,
Past, present and future moulded into a mess,
From which she needs rescuing,
The Damsel is distressed.